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Wednesday November 14, 2012
Lord I ask that you would be Annette’s strength and joy today. I pray you would be with her as she drives to work and be there with her at work. I ask that you would give her your attitude. Fill her mind and heart with You. I also want to ask you to give Anthony your joy and peace. Let him know that you love him so much. Lord be with my family, protect them with your loving hands. In Jesus name. Amen
no name sender
Wednesday November 14, 2012
God please let me put this end bejind me.amen
no name sender
Wednesday November 14, 2012
Thank you because I know you are going to do amazing things in Annette’s life today. You are faithful Lord even when we are faithless. I would also like to ask that you would walk with Anthony today. I ask that you would give him the strength he needs to overcome what today will bring. Fill him with your holy spirit today and empty him of anything wearing him down. Lord i ask you to heal him from anything that’s still hurting from the past. Help him to place his trust completely in you. Help him to overcome temptation today. I also ask that you would be everything to him and that he would love you more everyday. Take his worry, stress, insecurities, and doubts. Thank you Lord because if that is your will you will do these things. There is nothing You cannot do! I love you Jesus. Thank you.
Wednesday November 14, 2012
Yesus, aku minta maaf. Biarlah kehendakMu yang terjadi didalam hidupku. Maafkan aku yang selalu marah kepadaMu dan tidak beriman penuh kepadaMu. Kemanapun Engkau menuntunku aku akan mengikuti. Berikan aku kekuatan ya Bapa dalam menghadapi segala persoalan dalam hidupku, aku berserah kepadamu, aku tidak tau kemana Engkau mengarahkan aku tetapi aku akan mengikutimu. Biar Engkau semakin besar dan biarlah aku semakin kecil karena Engkaulah Raja dan Engkaulah juru selamat manusia. Sekalipun hidupku penuh dengan musuh musuhku tetapi aku akan selalu Engkau lindungi, walaupun hidupku penuh dengan akan bulus perbuatan perbuatan orang orang yang mau menghancurkanku tetapi aku yakin Engkau ada selalu disampingku dan menyelamatkanku. Engkaulah juru selamatku ya Yesus. Temani aku selalu ya Bapa, semuanya kuserahkan kepadaMu. Terima kasih Yesus. Amin.
Wednesday November 14, 2012
today was just so spectacular! when i woke up this morning, all i was thinking about is to be on my 10 AM class and eventually go back home and sleep. however, God always have plans for a day that you never prepared to have anything to do. in a summary, i made lots of decisions today and it all went well. I got new hopes for my research and i have reconnected with old acquaintances. i had a productive day. thank you Lord for the all the reasons for me to smile. thank you for all the new motivations. thank you for the survival i got for this day. thank you for the realizations and dreams that i had made today and most of all, thank you for the love you gave me through the people i had came across today. Bless not only me but those people who had helped me and cared for me especially my family. Love them so much so that they will also have more strength to face each day in your grace. Let them face their endeavors withou thinking of giving up. Thank you dear Lord for giving us today.
Millie S
Wednesday November 14, 2012
Dear Lord, Lord, thank you for giving the strength and courage to wake ups this morning. Lord I love you so much you heard my cries and you answer it, my miracle that I ask you for it. I also and I have learn so much from this experience. I will be humble and always believe in my lord. Please watch over my boys and give them the same strength and courage that you give everyday. Lord please over my son Christopher please, please let him come home to his family and to me his mother. I miss him very much and I love him so. Please. One again God I love you and you are in my heart and soul. In Jesus Name I pray Millie
Tuesday November 13, 2012
Just remember that prayers is importen.. Amen.
Tuesday November 13, 2012
Dear Jesus
Tuesday November 13, 2012
I love You Jesus with all of my being. I will always love and serve You. I will always follow Your word and Your law.Jesus with You by my side no one can be against me. Jesus, I forgive all of my enemies. I love my enemies.I pray Jesus that You will forgive me for my sins. I do not want to ever sin or hurt You again. Amen.
im sorry..
Tuesday November 13, 2012
i am 44, my brother is 40. ever since i was 15 i worked hard, i worked in restaurants and perused to be a chef-i gave about 20 years of my life to cooking-i had 6 days a week 10 hour shifts-hot hard fast paced work-not many work at top 5 star-i had hard tedious Sundays where I put in 10-15 hours-that was hardcore punishing hour under horrible attitude chefs yelling and slave driving-old french kitchen type of driver chefs. I never made much money-i loved cooking, but never made much-you know how many nights I laid in agony pain in tears-silently weeping from those long hours, the burns on my arms, or the cuts, i would get beat up, i was hit in the face with a walkin door at ‘rush’ bleeding all over the line, or that time i sliced my ring finger to the bone and web about a whole inch down, slipped and fell down the stairs with that 63 lbs tub of chicken, sprained the ver living crap out of my ankle, swollen up as baskball and that ecx girlfriend i ask to help me get to the hospital….showing up 7 hours later. the thousand times i was so slammed from just general fast paced line cooking-I can’t even start to remember how beat all to hell..I was in the army and basic was a breeze compared to my already 8 years of brutal kitchen work. So, I was what 22? i was in ten times the shape as those 18 year 44 i still have the ripped muscle tone and my body look as if i was only 18-face all old-well not that bad, had tough guys fight me they end up getting thrown around like a slab of meat. At 260, they were not anything bigger than any sea catch fish de jour special-they don’t know how skilled I am with a filet knife do they? Not scared of some big mouth show off-they never had a beating like I had my whole chef career-So my whole complaint…is how my brother got off his ass after not working for over 4 years-he only worked 3 hours on Sunday-do you mean to just let him insult the ever living shit out me? the hundreds of times i was beat to tears on Sunday brunch that we packed over 5000-how i would be in tears “yelling’ in the walkin I thought Sunday was the day you man shall work—they didn’t work-they broke my ASS and you didn’t have a single heart for me…so now my brother he comes in so proud of himself, he worked so hard for three hours–you and I BOTH KNOW that is bullshit coming fromhis mouth, he never worked in a restaurant a day in fucking LIFE- i get really pissed that you know know how damned hard i was beat all up left broken and bloody – don’t don’t think you were crusxified because i can still go out and help others, and you don’t seem to hold ONE SINGLE AMOUNT of that respect- your bible says you suffered that humilty, but I really don’t see that- a fine dining french 5 star chef du Partie has had the ever living hell beat out of them-500 degree burns, all over grease and oil just the temp alone on the hotline, is around a sweltering 200 easy-standing in that heat for hourse cranking out a hell rush… or that hotel in Denver at 5000 plate out in less than two hours…on a MONDAY. You know-why can’t you do me a JUSTICE for once FOR ONCE. I wouldn’t be so mad, so crappy tempered if you would give me a little forgiveness…i had to be tough, strong insane tough to do a 6 days a week and work those 10-15 hour shift. Can’t you see…can’t you understand that i fucking hurt now? the arthritis in my spine, with the degenterated disc..all from that hard slave rock breaking line chef—don’t you have any understanding of this…that i worked myself to the point my joints can’t do it anymore..i was having those black out spasms from the disc compression..i couldn’t help the injuries I had, and my ex…divorcing me because i was basically burnt out-i was drinking to kill the pain-i worked so damned hard as a line chef i bought here gold a nice house nice cars kept her in nice clothes and planty of food…and when we split, didn’t you see me on my face begging you, i loved her, i loved my wife. I was doing the best i could. she didn’t know the pain i was in, i am in still and it was all for her-to provide, to be the man i promised i would be when we were married. She drank also i drank-it was to kill the pain I am so lonesome, i was with her for 20 years, that is a lot of time…i keep asking inside me for a friend. Im my hurt from this, i was/still am so esteem is nothing, all the other men i meet are doctors and engineers they have money i am broke and pennyless, i am sitting here begging you for help-i quit drinking quit smoking quit all those bad habits and yet my back still is in agony. why is it so hard for you to have that guy above me here give me a little respect and keep it quit at 3 am…he sells drugs, i called the police TEN TIMES and they never do anything…i was always a loyal man and gave everyone respect, i gave them good on a plate for them…why can’t you help me? i need a hand here…greatest chef God…your the master Chef, I am just the lowly prep cook… |